1. Log in to Corporate OmaElisa as administrator. (note: Only administrators can create device lists.)
2. If your customer account includes more than one company with different business IDs, a device selection must currently be created separately for each company. Select the company from the OmaElisa menu at the top right-hand corner.
3. The device selection is created under Company information -> List of Devices. Then select NEW DEVICE LIST.
4. Enter the required information for the device list:
a. Name describing the device list.
b. Select Product type: Devices charged monthly, Elisa Palvelupäätelaitteet devices (default value), devices with a one-off charge
c. Select the agreement period: 12 months, 24 months (default value), 36 months
d. Add the company's share of the device's monthly fee. The amount of the monthly fee that exceeds the company's share will be paid by the employee as an Oma Laitelasku fee. Note: If your company does not want to use Oma Laitelasku, do not fill in the Company's share of monthly fee for the device section. This way, all device costs will be directed to your company. Oma Laitelasku can only be used with Elisa Palvelupäätelaite devices.
e. Depending on what your company has decided, select Damage Cover Service and/or Device Registration Program as mandatory for device orders.
5. Then select NEXT.
6. Add devices and accessories to the device selection by ticking the selection box for each product. Note. When you add a device model to the device list, you must choose its colour from the colour options offered by Elisa. Elisa Palvelupäätelaite devices have fewer colour options than devices that can be purchased or have a monthly fee. Please also note that phones and accessories must be included in the same list because employees cannot add products from different lists to the same order
Then select CONTINUE.
7. You will get a summary view of the device list you have created, divided into categories. If you wish, you can edit the list, add or delete devices, or delete the entire list.
8. Remember to select default invoicing information (or create new invoicing information) for the device list before clicking ACTIVATE. Invoicing information can also be given specifically for each order.